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Centrul de ajutorOrganiser’s accountRemove users from the organiser’s account

Remove users from the organiser’s account

With the Organiser’s Account, you can create and offer activities on the platform. Owners and Admins of Activities and Owners of Organiser’s Account can invite people to Activities published with your Organiser’s Account.
You can assign users a specific role in the Organiser’s Account. Each role has a different level of permissions. Activity roles can be Owner, Admin, and Earner. You can also remove users from the Organiser’s Account.

To remove a user from the Organiser’s account:

  1. Click on your profile picture at the top right, then click on the drop-down list with accounts that you manage.
  2. Select the Organiser’s Account (Click on Account profile -> Select Organiser) to which you want to invite people.
  3. Go to the People tab.
  4. Find the user that you want to remove.
  5. Click on that user's context menu (3 dots on the right side of the screen).
  6. Click remove person.

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